关于「 chain security」的内容列表

Slow Mist: A scam called "Safeguard" has emerged on Telegram

According to blockchain security firm SlowMist on the X platform, fraudsters are using fake Cloudflare verification pages to induce users to execute malicious code. In addition, a scam called "Safeguard" has appeared on Telegram, and users need to be vigilant. SlowMist advises users to install trusted antivirus software such as AVG, Bitdefender or Kaspersky to enhance security protection.

2025-02-10 09:27:15
SlowMist: 410 security incidents in the crypto space in 2024, with losses of $2.013 billion, a decrease of 19.02% year-on-year

Security agency SlowMist recently released the "Blockchain Security and Anti-Money Laundering Annual Report 2024", which states: According to SlowMist Hacked, there were 410 security incidents in 2024, with a loss of $2.013 billion. Compared with 2023 (464 incidents, with a loss of about $2.486 billion), the loss decreased by 19.02% year-on-year. DeFi remains the most commonly attacked area. In 2024, there were 339 DeFi security incidents, accounting for 82.68% of the total number of security in...

2025-01-05 02:00:35
Cyvers Alerts: Total crypto hacking and fraud losses to exceed $6 billion in 2024

Blockchain security monitor Cyvers Alerts said in a post that the total loss of hacking and fraud in the crypto sector exceeded $6 billion, and the overall exploit increased by 40% compared to last year, with access control vulnerabilities dominating and causing 81% of the losses.

2024-12-23 13:30:16
Slow Mist: The DEXX incident has identified over 900 victims with total damage estimated at $21 million

Blockchain security firm SlowMist posted that as of November 18, DEXX Incident Report Update: More than 1,100 reports of stolen funds have been received from the community. After removing duplicate reports, more than 900 victims have been identified, with total losses estimated at $21 million (subject to price fluctuations). Details of losses (to date): $1 million: 1 victim $500,000 to $1 million: 2 victims $100,000 to $500,000: 33 victims $10,000 to $100,000: 292 victims • < 10,000 USD:...

2024-11-18 11:20:23
Slow Mist: Millions of dollars were stolen from DEXX, with funds scattered across multiple different hacking addresses

Blockchain security firm SlowMist published a statement saying that based on data submitted by community users, we have calculated that DEXX was stolen and lost millions of dollars, which are currently scattered across multiple different hacker addresses.

2024-11-16 01:31:58
Beosin: vETH project suffered an attack loss of about $450,000

Blockchain security audit firm Beosin Alert monitoring shows that the vETH project was attacked. According to the attack behavior, the cause of this incident is due to the price manipulation vulnerability of the associated contract 0x62f2... a1b5 recently deployed by the vETH project party, which caused the vETH contract to borrow at abnormal prices. The current cumulative loss is about $450,000.

2024-11-14 10:22:17
SlowMist: Suspicious activity related to vETH has been detected, and users remain vigilant

Blockchain security firm SlowMist has issued a security alert, saying it has detected suspicious activity related to vETH tokens. SlowMist reminds users to remain vigilant and pay attention to asset safety. According to Cyvers Alerts analysis, the hackers caused about $440,000 in losses through price manipulation. The attackers first obtained funds in the BNB Chain through Tornado Cash, and then crossed the chain to Ethereum through Bridgers.

2024-11-14 09:21:55
Beosin: DeltaPrime project suspected private key leak led to about $5.90 million stolen assets

According to the monitoring of blockchain security audit firm Beosin Alert, the DeltaPrime project administrator is suspected of private key leakage, and multiple key contracts are maliciously upgraded, resulting in the theft of about 5.90 million US dollars in assets. According to the analysis of the Beosin security team, the root cause of this abnormal behavior is that the interest calculation contracts of multiple lending pools in the project were modified to malicious attack contracts, resul...

2024-09-16 09:32:12
Angel Drainer upgrades, deploys over 300 malicious dApps in 4 days

According to a new report from blockchain security firm Blockaid, the notorious crypto-phishing toolkit AngelDrainer is back, this time with a new and improved version called AngelX that has deployed hundreds of malicious applications. Blockaid said on September 4 that the new AngelX system had deployed 300 malicious decentralized applications (DApps) designed to steal crypto users' digital assets.

2024-09-05 02:12:24
Cryptocurrency losses fall to record low of $15 million in August

According to blockchain security firm Immunefi, the digital asset industry recorded its lowest monthly losses of the year in August, with losses from hacking and fraud amounting to just $15.10 million. This development shows a significant 38% drop in losses compared to August 2023, when losses were around $24.60 million, and a staggering 94.5% drop compared to July 2024. The report said the hacks all occurred in the DeFi space, but most of the losses stemmed from a high-profile incident, the Ron...

2024-08-31 19:28:54
Circle fixes Noble-CCTP critical vulnerability without loss in capital

Blockchain security firm Asymmetric Research discovered a critical vulnerability in Circle's Noble-CCTP and has privately notified Circle. The vulnerability has been promptly fixed and no user loss in capital or malicious attacks have occurred. The vulnerability lies in the Noble-CCTP component of the USDC cross-chain transfer protocol. The security firm discovered that malicious actors could counterfeit USDC tokens on the Noble Bridge by bypassing the message sender verification process. This v...

2024-08-27 22:29:58
Blockchain security audit provider Zellic acquires smart contract audit platform Code4rena

Blockchain security audit provider Zellic has acquired smart contract audit platform Code4rena, its first acquisition, with the aim of providing customers with more comprehensive security review services. Code4rena's CEO said it will continue to operate independently. Previously, it was reported that on March 22, audit DAO Code4rena sold 150 million ARENA tokens (15% of the total) to Paradigm for $6 million.

2024-08-22 11:12:48
Report: Off-chain hacks account for 57.5% of stolen funds in 2023

A report by blockchain security firm Halborn shows that, despite a decrease in the amount stolen in 2023, decentralized finance (DeFi) hacks remain a major threat to the industry. The report summarizes the 100 largest DeFi hacks that occurred between 2016 and 2023, with a cumulative total of $7.40 billion, the majority of which occurred on Ethereum, Binance, and other smart chains.

2024-08-12 12:27:30
Salus Security: BNB chain hacking losses down 87% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2024

According to Salus Security's BNB Chain Security Report for the second quarter of 2024, 35 security incidents were reported in the second quarter of 2024, a significant decrease from the 115 incidents recorded in Quarter 1 in 2023. The loss was reduced to $9.20 million, which was also lower than the $70 million loss in the second quarter of 2023, a decrease of 87% year-on-year. In addition, the number of security incidents in the second quarter of 2024 also decreased significantly, from 115 repo...

2024-08-11 21:16:11
Beosin released Ronin Bridge project abnormal extraction cross-chain asset behavior analysis

According to the monitoring of the blockchain security audit company Beosin Alert, the Ronin Bridge project has an abnormal behavior of extracting cross-chain assets. According to the analysis of the Beosin security team, the root cause of this abnormal behavior is that when the project party upgrades the contract, it does not normally initialize the operator weight required for cross-chain transaction confirmation, resulting in the minimumVoteWeight parameter in the contract being zero, allowin...

2024-08-06 12:11:36

7x24 快讯

14:44 2025-03-21
Kaito AI创始人:近日已使用约140万美元个人资金买入100万枚KAITO
Kaito AI创始人Yu Hu在X平台发文称,近日已使用约140万美元个人资金买入100万枚KAITO,并且将所有代币质押,目前已是链上第二大KAITO抵押者,这些代币锁定期将被设定与里程碑相关,即当Kaito协议收入达到5000万美元时解锁50%,达到1亿美元协议收入时解锁100%,后续将解释这么做的原因。
14:43 2025-03-21
国内新闻:1. 国常会:研究建立健全涉企收费长效监管机制有关举措,审议通过《婚姻登记条例(修订草案)》。2. 国务院办公厅印发《关于进一步加强贸易政策合规工作的意见》。3. 央行第一季度例会:建议加大货币政策调控强度,择机降准降息。4. 两会后美企组团来见中国商务部长。外交部副部长马朝旭会见美国共和党联邦参议员戴安斯。5. 涉嫌严重违纪违法,驻证监会纪检组原组长王会民被查。6. 证监会对*ST普利重大财务造假案依法从严行政处罚。7. 上交所制定新一轮《推动提高沪市上市公司质量三年行动计划》。8. 市场监管总局部署2025年度重点立法任务,拟推动制修订食品安全法等。9. 针对“杨铭宇黄焖鸡米饭后厨乱象”事件,济南、郑州、商丘副市长被约谈。10. 中国结算暂免部分债券登记结算费用,加大支持科技金融、绿色金融和民营企业。11. 国家新闻出版署发布3月份国产和进口网络游戏审批信息,共129款国产游戏、5款进口游戏过审。12. 消费贷新政落地:个人互联网消费贷上限提高至30万,最长7年。13. 今年首家!玉龙股份拟主动退市,明确补偿机制。国际新闻:1. 土耳其央行发行流动性票据以支撑里拉。2. ...
14:42 2025-03-21
14:40 2025-03-21
14:36 2025-03-21
14:33 2025-03-21
14:33 2025-03-21
14:32 2025-03-21
3月21日消息,TON 基金会否认「筹集」4 亿美元的说法,并澄清称,部分知名风投机构持有的 Toncoin 价值超过 4 亿美元。
14:31 2025-03-21
14:29 2025-03-21
加密 PAC Fairshake 向佛罗里达共和党候选人注入 150 万美元竞选资金
加密货币行业的政治行动委员会 Fairshake 计划投入 150 万美元用于支持佛罗里达州特别选举中两个关键的美国众议院席位竞选。这两个席位对共和党维持其在众议院的微弱多数至关重要。其中一个空缺席位与马特·盖茨(Matt Gaetz)有关,他曾被特朗普总统提名为司法部长,但因面临犯罪指控而退出提名。
14:26 2025-03-21
14:23 2025-03-21
Tornado Cash地址已从OFAC制裁名单中移除
据市场消息,Tornado Cash 地址已从 OFAC 制裁名单中移除。